Archive for 2月 25th, 2009
” 鏡の中の青春♪♪ ~ my youth in the mirror♪♪ “
it’s my mom in her youth . she hadn’t met my dad yet at that time.
hello,my friends,
thank you so much for your concern about us.and the season’s greetings, too.
Though my mom is old, she has been fine. but suddenly she fell sick in mid December last year.
so I went to see her soon. and I hoped her make a swift recovery.
but unfortunately ,she passed away.
well, I don’t know why ,but now I miss my dad all the more,too. I broke down in tears..
..his death 10 years ago also was the hardest thing in my life..
now,I saw the photo album of her youth for the first time.they make me smile. because she is enjoying her life in this :-)